Location Details

Epiphany of the Lord - Katy - TX

1530 Norwalk Dr.
Katy, TX 77450


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Classes at Location

Class and Program Meeting TimeRegistrantsStatus
Epiphany of the Lord- Glorious Mysteries
Mysteries of the Rosary - Sorrowful
Epiphany of the Lord
Mysteries of the Rosary - Sorrowful
Tuesday 07:00 pm121ActiveRegister
Epiphany of the Lord
Mysteries of the Rosary - Joyful
SHE - Epiphany of the Lord - Katy, TX
She Shall Be Called Woman - Masterpiece of Creation
Monday 07:30 pm146ActiveRegister
TMIY - Epiphany of the Lord - Katy, TX
That Man is You! - The Vision of Man Fully Alive
Saturday 06:30 am118ActiveRegister